Main Features:
50V 2A 100W max load
Main Features:
30V 100A 1kW max load
Main Features:
75 Watts
Frequency Range: DC to 1MHz
Frequency Response: <�0.1dB
Distortion: <0.1%
Maximum Voltage: 140Vrms, Open Circuit
Voltage Gain: 0dB to 40dB
Variable DC Offset: 0V to 200V Peak
Short-Circuit Protection
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MULTIMETER - Hewlett Packard HP3478A
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Main Features:
Range selection: 0.2T, 2T
LOGIC PROBE - HP LogicDart E2310A
Main Features:
100 MSa/s logic timing for TTL / CMOS/ ECL / Custom
3 channel timing display with tristate
Logic monitor with 15 ns glitch detect
3 1 / 2 digit dc voltage to 35 volts
Continuity, frequency, resistance, & diode test
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Main Features:
Vcc range:300mV-1kV
Vac range:300mV-1kV
Acc range:300uA-3A
Aac range:300uA-3A
Ohm range: 300ohm-30Mohm
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Main Features:
Potable microprocessor instrument for thermocoupler probes type K, J, T, E, R, S o B
Principal characteristics:
double liquid crystal display,12.5 mm high
double input
optoinsulated RS232C serial output,baud rate selectable from 300 to 19200 baud
storage of the maximun,minimum and mean temperature values
relative measurements
power supply : 9v battery (50 hours' use)
measuring range:
K 200�C.... + 1370�C 328�F + 1999�F
J 1 00�'C.... + 750�C 148�F + 1382�F
T 200�C . 450�C 328�F + 662�F
E 200�C . 750�C 328�F + 1382�F
R +200�C.... + 1480�C +392�F.... + 1999�F
S +200�C + 1480�C +392�F . 1 999�F
B +200�C . 1800�C +392�F + 1999�F
Resolution: 0,1�C/0.1�F
from -199.9 to 199.9 1�C/1�F beyond that
Precision (instrument alone) with temperature from 18�C to 25�C:
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Main Features:
Potable microprocessor instrument for Pt100 probes
Principal characteristics:
double liquid crystal display,12.5 mm high
double input
optoinsulated RS232C serial output,baud rate selectable from 300 to 19200 baud
storage of the maximun,minimum and mean temperature values
relative measurements
power supply : 9v battery (50 hours' use)
measuring range:-200�C ...+800�C
resolution: 0.1�C from -199.9�C to +199.9�C, 1�C beyond
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SCOPEMETER - Fluke 105B ScopeMeter Series II
Main Features:
2 channel and ext trigger - video trigger.
100MHz bandwidth, 5Gs/s sample rate.
Normal true RMS 3000 count DMM plus db.
Complete with software
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Main Features:
Voltage range 1mV to 300V full scale
Frequency range 10 Hz to 10 MHz
Maximum DC input 600V
Response time less than 5 sec to a step function
Input impedance 10 MOhm and less than 50 pF for 1mV to 0.3V range
10 MOhm and less than 20 pF for 1V to 300 V range
Meter accuracy
10Hz-50Hz 5%
50Hz-1MHz 1%
1MHz-2MHz 2%
2MHz-3MHz 3%
3MHz-10MHz 5%
AC to DC Converter accuracy
10Hz-50Hz 5%
50Hz-1MHz 0.75%
1MHz-2MHz 2%
2MHz-3MHz 3%
3MHz-10MHz 5%
Main Features:
Frequency operations: 100kHz to 1.8GHz with 1mHz resolution
Integrated synthesized level source: -60 to +20dBm of output power with 0.1dB resolution
Dynamic magnitude: �0.05 dB
Phase accuracy �0.3�
Spectrum analyzer specifications: the 3496A
Frequency operations: 2Hz to 1.8GHz with resolution-bandwidths (RBWs) spanning 1Hz to 3MHz Direct A/D conversion (no LOG amplifier is used) results in �1.0dB overall level accuracy.
Noise sidebands fall below -105dBc/Hz offset 10kHz from carriers below 1GHz
Sensitivity: -150dBm/Hz @ 10MHz and -147dBm @ 1GHz.
Color CRT and built-in disk drive/RAM disk
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LCR METER - Hewlett Packard HP4263A
Main Features:
0.1% basic accuracy
100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz test frequencies
50 m, 100 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 Vrms test levels
High-speed measurement: 25 ms
High-speed contact check
Quick test recovery
Wide capacitance test range
Front-end protection
Built-in comparator
Transformer parameter measurements
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LOGIC ANALYSIS SYSTEM - Hewlett Packard HP16500B
Main Features:
Logic Analysis System Mainframe 16500B
Systems configured to exact requirement
Up to 1000 channels of 100 MHz state OR
Up to 640 channels of 100 MHz timing with 1Mb/channel depth
All data is time correlated
Built-in hard drive with software preloaded
Touch screen, keyboard & mouse user interfaces
Available Modules:
16520A 50MSa/s pattern generator
16522A 200Mvector/s pattern generator
16532A 2 Channel 1GSa/s Oscilloscope Acquisition Card
16550A 102 Channel 100 MHz State/500 MHz Timing Card
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Main Features:
Micro-processor controlled current voltage source
Voltage range:10 �V to 11.000 V
Current range:2 �A to 22.00 mA
NC-battery with overload and low-discharge protection
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Main Features:
% U.R. of relative humidity
D.P. dew point
g/m3 Quantity of water per m3 of air with reference to 0�C and a pressure of 1013 mbar
�C, �F Temperature in �C or �F
REL Relative measurements
MAX maximum value over a given period
MIN minimum value over a given period
MED mean value over a given period.
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UNIVERSAL COUNTER - Hewlett Packard 5315A
Main Features:
Measurements range: 0.1Hz to 100MHz range.
Measurement Period: 10 ns to 105 Sec
Time Interval: 100 ns to 105 Sec
Time Interval Average: 0 ns to 105 Sec
Time Interval Delay: holdoff, variable delay of nominally 500 �s to 20 ms between START (channel A) and STOP (channel B)
And Ratio: 0.1Hz to 100MHz, both channels.
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Main Features:
Frequency Range: 10Hz to 30MHz. Resolution: 0.01Hz
Input Channel: 2 channels (R and T) 50 ohm impedance
Wide measurable level range of over 150dB, allowing the measured device to be checked at actual operational levels
High-performance synthesizer to enable high resolution measurements
High-speed measurement of 2ms/point useful for mass production of parts.
High-precision group delay measurements
Logarithmic frequency sweep
Level sweep for non-linearity tests; variable input levels make the instrument suitable for characteristics tests
Built-in GP-IB interface for remote control of front-panel functions
Level calibration by using the output of the test-signal source
External MG440A Synthesizer or MG443B SLG can be connected to check frequency response of conversion loss at different input/output frequencies
3310C Series DC Electronic Load
Plug-in Dynamic Load Module
3311C 60V/60A/300W DC LOAD
3312C 250V/10A/300W DC LOAD
3314C 500V/ 5A/200W DC LOAD
Main Features:
Can be configured in 3300 series Mainframe
CC, CR, CV, CP, Dynamic, Short Mode
Dual 4 1/2 V / A Meter on each module
150 Memory on 3300c Mainframe
Protections against V, I, and �J
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Main Features:
Questo sistema utilizza un micro-registratore in acciaio inox di 16 mm di diametro e 6 mm di spessore.
Poco pi� grande di un bottone, questo micro data logger ha un numero univoco di serie ed una batteria che ha una durata di 10 anni.
Il range di temperatura di funzionamento � compreso fra -40�C e + 85 �C
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FLUKE 189/FVF2 Combo Pack
Main Features:
V dc and V ac resolution 1 �V, precise measurements in a handheld
Measure current 10 A, 1000 V fuse, measure over 10 amps using clamp
Built-in thermometer No need to carry a separate thermometer with thermocouple
Backlight 2-level, bright white, easier to read in dark locations
Peak capture, MIN/MAX 250 �S, record intermittent problems
Capacitance 5 nf to 50,000 �F, measure capacitors with one tool
Duty cycle and pulse width Measure control circuits
Relative offset Remove test lead resistance. See small signal variations.
Test lead input Alerts you to minimize blown fuses
Battery and fuse door Change battery and fuses quickly without breaking calibration seal
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Pistola Elettrica PTX2 230 V
Pinza con inserti RJ45
Serie di spine comunemente usate in applicazioni LAN e comunicazioni.
Main Features:
Lo strumento Crimp-All� � dotato di una singola leva con azione a scatto per la giunzione della maggior parte di spine modulari (dati) e telefoniche utilizzando punzoni e inserti accuratamente profilati ed intercambiabili
Il robusto telaio in acciaio � rivestito di plastica per offrire una comoda impugnatura ed include lame di spellatura protette per la rimozione delle guaine esterne dei cavi dati (sia di tipo rotondo che piatto/ovale)
Lo strumento � disponibile come telaio di base con custodia per conservare fino a 7 stampi
Lo strumento � anche disponibile con il solo stampo AMP 8/8 RJ45
Tutti gli stampi codificati a colori sono disponibili separatamente
Cyclic climatic test chamber VC7034
Main Features:
This series offers you to provide verification of the resistance of your products to all temperature and humidity conditions that occur under natural conditions.
The VC systems comprise of 10 different types of systems.
The chambers are provided with powerful 32-bit control and communication systems. The removable, graphics capable touch panel has a menu-controlled operating interface
Insulation and continuity tester MIT310
Main Features:
Digital or Analogue: The Megger MIT310 feature the popular Megger digital/analogue display.
Large 20mm high characters provide very clear readout, combined with an analogue arc for the feel of an analogue instrument, with a true analogue response.
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Industrial insulation tester MIT420
Main Features:
The new Megger MIT400 series insulation and continuity testers has been designed for electrical testing by the utilities, industrial, commercial and domestic electricians.
The wide range of features also makes the MIT400 series ideal for the maintenance and service/repair engineer.
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Ortec 926 + USB-488
Main Features:
The ORTEC Model 926 Multichannel Buffer (MCB) is a single-wide NIM module designed for high performance in real-time data acquisition.
A personal computer is interfaced, through the provided USB connector, to utilize the data acquisition, storage, display, and analysis functions.
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